Campaigners fighting plans for a ‘railhead’ near their town have unveiled an alternative scheme at a ‘superior’ site.
Stone Railhead Crisis Group (SRCG) fear HS2’s proposals for a construction hub on land near Yarnfield will create traffic chaos.
Now members are trying to convince HS2 Ltd they have identified a better location at Aldersey’s Rough close to Madeley and Keele.
They will meet with engineers this week to discuss the idea.
SRCG member Trevor Parkin said: “We believe the alternative is far superior in every way.
“We consider the railhead at Stone to be ill-conceived. This piece of land is far larger. It has the potential to provide a legacy.”
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Campaigners fighting plans for a ‘railhead’ near their town have unveiled an alternative scheme at a ‘superior’ site.
Stone Railhead Crisis Group (SRCG) fear HS2’s proposals for a construction hub on land near Yarnfield will create traffic chaos.
Now members are trying to convince HS2 Ltd they have identified a better location at Aldersey’s Rough close to Madeley and Keele.
They will meet with engineers this week to discuss the idea.
SRCG member Trevor Parkin said: “We believe the alternative is far superior in every way.
“We consider the railhead at Stone to be ill-conceived. This piece of land is far larger. It has the potential to provide a legacy.”
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